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Seize the opportunity and revolutionise e-commerce together with us!

Actindo in Numbers

80+ Employees

20 Nationalities

1 Team

30+ Pets

This is Actindo

Actindo is one of the leading providers of digital operations platforms...and much more than that! We are experts in our field and are passionate about supporting our customers in their digital transformation and converting their business for the retail of the future. Well-known brands such as ETERNA, Braun Büffel, and Powerfood are already part of our platform.

Our Offer

At Actindo you have the opportunity to shape the future in a dynamic and fast-growing company. You will not find rigid structures and hierarchical thinking at Actindo. We create an environment in which everyone - from interns to senior managers - can openly contribute their ideas and where working is fun. Freedom and flexibility are particularly important to us because work has to fit into your life and not the other way around.

Life at Actindo


We value a friendly and open way of treating each other. Flat hierarchies allow a relaxed atmosphere and uncomplicated work.

Regular digital meetings like our Weekly Buzz, our Good News Huddle or various Coffee Talks are important to us - get to know all your colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere!


Through our Townhalls, Founders Speeches or OKR Q&A sessions you will learn everything about our visions, ambitions and are always up to date.

You also get exclusive insights into the everyday life of other departments or into the exciting hobby of a colleague. Maybe you will tell us something about yourself in our next Townhall!


We always give 120% - and we want to celebrate that!

Whether it's the LAN party, the after-work drink, the next online event or our legendary offsite events that always take place in new exciting locations, we are always up for fun. We look forward to creating new experiences and memories with you!

Where we live

At Actindo we live and love remote work. That's why we are spread all over the world. Check out our current locations for a sneak peek.

Your Benefits

Flexible working hours

We offer you a working time model with flexitime and trust-based working hours. You want part-time or a 4-day week? Also no problem for us!

Training Budget

We want to promote your strengths. Whether it's coaching or further training - you set your own focus. We support you with a training budget of up to 1000€ per year.

Internet Grant & Lunch Allowance

As we want you to always enjoy great internet access and a delicious lunch, you will receive a monthly internet & lunch allowance in addition to your salary.

Corporate Protection

You are always fully protected by our company pension allowance and comprehensive group accident insurance.


We provide you with the hardware you need for your home office and remote work.

Sports Card

Because we know how important exercise is when working remotely, we support you with a sports card that can be used at many fitness facilities.

Co-Working Spaces

If you ever want to work in an office, we offer free access to co-working spaces in over 120 countries.

Language Learning App

Want to learn a new language? We provide you with a language learning app.

Sleep & meditation app

The Calm app helps you find a peaceful sleep or experience guided meditations. You can also find concentration-enhancing playlists here.

Inside the minds of our employees:

Discover what makes Actindo a great place to work!

  • "I have found everything and much more at Actindo that I expect from an employer. I feel incredibly valued and the company manages to convince me every time that the employee has a very important position here!"

    Cristina Arnaut

    Senior Project Manager

  • "Remote office at Actindo doesn't just mean working from home. We have the freedom to work from almost anywhere - whether it's a coffee shop on the beach or a mountain hotel. This flexibility has allowed us to adapt our work life to our needs and achieve a better work-life balance."

    Florian Gehring

    Implementation Specialist

  • "Nothing stands in the way of personal development at Actindo. Here, you are always given the support you need to achieve your indivual goals in the best possible way. For instance, I was able to complete my bachelor's degree in business psychology in parallel to my job in IT Consulting."

  • "At Actindo, I can contribute my own ideas and thus make a contribution to the big picture. Here, I am not only valued and respected as a colleague, but also as a person." 

    Hannah Gebauer

    Technical Editor

More Insights...

... Check out how we work together and most importantly have fun!

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